BDO Legal in TOP 10

Also this year our lawyers demonstrated a high level of quality of legal services and confirmed their position as one of the best law firms in Slovakia. We have traditionally been ranked among the TOP 10 largest international law firms in Slovakia.

The Slovak Spectator in cooperation with the daily SME annually compile a ranking of the largest law firms in Slovakia. Traditionally, the top ten list is completed by BDO's legal department.


We ranked among the top 10 in several categories:

6th largest law firm in Real Estate & Development

7th largest international law firm in Slovakia

8th largest law firm in the regulation and compliance

8th largest law firm by profit

We are very pleased that our first-rated knowledge of the Real Estate sector is being confirmed on several fronts, this time in the quality of our legal services. For the fourth consecutive year, we have not only defended our position as one of the TOP law firms in the Real Estate & Development sector, but we have also been climbing higher and higher every year.

One of the main projects that our lawyers have been working on this year is legislation relating to the new system of state-supported rental housing.
The legal advice included participation in the complex preparation and implementation of the legal framework for the new state-supported rental housing system, contractual negotiations and preparation of investment contracts with investment partners, and participation in the notification of the statesupported housing system to the European Commission.

“State-supported rental housing creates complex rules for the newly created segment of affordable housing for the general public at a time when its availability is fundamentally decreasing and becoming more difficult,” 
explained Pavel Poliak, partner at BDO Legal. The rental housing segment is among those that could see a boom in the future, helped by new legislation. The system should help expand market offers in this segment as well. “The operation of the system of state-supported rental housing is designed with the maximum possible exclusion of subjective evaluation and decision-making by an individual in all the processes which make up the system,” said Poliak.

About the yearbook

The yearbook on the business environment, published yearly since 2000 by The Slovak Spectator, gives an overview of investors either from Slovakia or abroad. This year’s edition was published thanks to the cooperation of the Investment Support Association (ISA). The content provides well-arranged information on the economy, labour market, investor support, legislation, and real estate, as well as investment opportunities in Slovakia. This guide also contains a large analysis of the law firm market, providing more detailed information on the most important ones. Within this section, rankings of the largest law firms in Slovakia are also published. The yearbook traditionally contains a wealth of statistics, including the regional comparison of wages, unemployment rates, industrial structure and an overview of the largest companies in individual regions.

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