Enter our premises and walk through the BDO office with a 365 view.
Workspace is important
Office of the Year is a unique competition that evaluates the quality and uniqueness of office space in response to new trends in the work environment. This year has shown that companies care about the quality of the working environment even in the difficult times brought about by the corona crisis.
"A challenging year brought new dimensions and innovative elements to the market of commercial real estate, but also to the competition," says Tomáš Pecek, director of the architecture and project management department of CBRE Slovakia.
Among a large number of registered companies, companies such as CAPCO, Effectivity, Erste Group IT International, ESET, Hubhub, MICROSOFT SLOVAKIA, Mobile online, RESCO, Tatra banka, TOWER 115, and WOOD & Company. The expert jury then subjected the offices to a detailed evaluation, which decided on the absolute winner of the competition and the winners in 4 main categories: Office as a DNA company, Innovative office and Healthy office.
BDO received the title of Healthy Office
Our Bratislava office managed to win the Healthy Office category, also thanks to the great architects from ARDELINE. "The intention of our team was to reflect the true spirit of the company. That is why, together with the client, we have created a concept that surpasses common office ideas and provides space for creative and innovative ideas, ”the architect Martin Hruška explained the creation of the space concept.
BDO's managing partner, Peter Gunda, commented in more detail on the characteristics of BDO's office space: “Our office is the embodiment of what we are and the values we live. In creating it, we balanced on three legs: need, vision and heart. Office space is primarily intended to serve our people so that they feel good here and reflect their needs. Therefore, their opinion was paramount in creating the basic layout for us. However, the world is changing at a cosmic rate, so it was necessary to incorporate an element of visionary. Our services will look completely different in 5 or 10 years, and with it the offices of the future. The Office is our second home, so we made some decisions irrationally - with the heart. We do not reign, because space subconsciously affects our creativity, which is necessary for our work. "
Architects, artists and employees
Our employees also had an important say in the creation of the premises - the premises were created primarily for them. "Our employees were the first to ask what our new office should look like. The values that BDO people carry within them and the openness of their minds with which they approach every activity were a guarantee of an exceptional result for us. All it took was to materialize their ideas, invite a skilled team of architects to help and embellish the details with young Slovak artists. The new premises connected us even more and created an inspiring home for our BDO family. Overall, the new spaces have helped to better connect mutual knowledge, inspirational ideas and achieve even better results. We are very happy about it, "adds Peter Gunda.
You can also read more about our participation and victory in the competition directly at https://www.officeroka.sk/vitazi, ot in the articles:
- Startitup: https://www.startitup.sk/pozname-finalistov-office-roka-2020/,
- Pravda: https://ekonomika.pravda.sk/firmy-a-trhy/clanok/584309-sutaz-office-roka-2020-ma-12-finalistov/,
- https://spojenaba.sk/office-roka-po-navrate-z-home-officu-musia-kancelarie-ponuknut-pridanu-hodnotu/,
- SME: https://tlacovespravy.sme.sk/c/22636716/pozname-finalistov-office-roka-2020.html,
- Touchit: https://touchit.sk/vitaz-sutaze-office-roka-2020-rozsiruje-vyznam-pojmu-kancelaria/347043,
- HN: https://strategie.hnonline.sk/marketing/2350408-office-roka-2020-absolutnym-vitazom-je-firma-mobil-online.