Audit of Financial Statements | Agreed-upon Procedures | ESEF - Issuers of Securities Obligation | Forensics | Covenant Reviews | Corporate Finance | Assurance Services Related to Internal Controls Review | Risk Advisory | Risk Management | Preparation of Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Stanislav has more than 18 years of experience in auditing statutory financial statements and IFRS financial statements in many banks, insurance companies, manufacturing companies, trading companies and service companies in Slovakia and Central and Eastern Europe.
He has been involved in various projects such as regulatory advisory, implementation of new reporting standards (IFRS 9, IFRS 15, IFRS 16, IFRS 17), transition to IFRS reporting, acquisition accounting, due diligence projects, restructuring advisory and accounting. He has also led risk management consulting and reporting projects.
His key reference projects include leading the audits of Tatra banka, Orange Slovensko, Prima banka, Agel Slovensko, eustream, Donau farm, managing the risk division at Prima banka, and participating in the IFRS reporting transition at Swiss Re, as well as leading the audit and advisory engagements in the insurance industry for Central Europe. In addition, Stanislav has led extensive advisory and regulatory projects for the ECB and EIOPA.
Stanislav is a member of the Slovak Chamber of Auditors (SKAU), a certified statutory auditor in the Slovak Republic, as well as in Romania and a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and in the meantime completed his MBA in finance at Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna.