HR SUPPORT is a service created by combining experts from 3 BDO divisions - accounting & payroll advisory, tax and legal advisory. Its benefit is in providing comprehensive expert advice for HR needs through immediate access to professionals in the areas payroll, business travel, employment law and tax.

The service is provided in the form of consultation hours for both the employer and the company's employees.
Questions can be asked through an efficient ticket system with a guaranteed response within 24 hours (if the answer requires more extensive analysis, a specialist will contact you to discuss the details).
Ongoing access to professional advice is also possible through a pre-paid service package.
Ako Vám vie BDO pomôcť prostredníctvom služby HR SUPPORT 
The form of consultation hours for staff
► assistance with inspections and audits
► checking and processing attendance
► payroll consultation
► preparation of statistical reports, "net to gross" calculations
► assisting with the setting and calculation of meal and travel allowances (foreign and domestic)
► submission of A1 certificates
► answering basic legal questions regarding employment contracts, amendments, terminations
► advice on the employment of foreign employees and ex-pats
► other client-specific requirements (reporting, payroll processing under foreign law, etc.


The opportunity to serve you is in our highest interest and our main goal is to take an approach that provides you with maximum added value.

We believe that our extensive experience in accounting, payroll and tax advisory services will help convince you that we are the best choice for you.

We will be happy to discuss our offer with you and introduce you to our team as well as the approach described in the proposal. If you should require further clarification on any of the matters in this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Our Experts

Do not hesitate to contact us