Peter Gunda
Correct and realistic valuation of the company may affect the success of the entire transaction. There are several cases of transactions that have failed due to misjudge of the company. It is therefore important for BDO clients to have the right estimate of the company so that they can fully realize their goals, either in the area of purchase or sale.
When you need an independent valuation – accounting standards, litigation, commercial or tax purposes – our team of experts can help.
In our experience, a valuation is often needed at a difficult or stressful time. This may be a shareholder dispute, a potential sale, the breakdown of a relationship or simply the year-end audit process. We deliver valuations in a timely and cost-effective way. We provide a valuation service that gives our clients confidence that they have the full picture.
Our valuation services include:
We design and construct innovative and bespoke financial models across a range of industries.
Our financial models are used as a critical tool for raising finance and assessing the impact of strategic choices upon your business. We work with companies, banks and investment funds to design and construct innovative and bespoke financial models across a range of industries and sectors and bring together expert understanding of the different operational and capital structure metrics and International Accounting Standards.
Peter Gunda